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Dark Goblins (Gobelinus Obscurus)

   In the realm of goblins, the Dark Goblins are unique as they still retain some semblance of their long lost humanity. Vicious and ill-tempered, they are prone to attack travelers who they perceive as trespassing through their lands, which tends to be any land they are on at the time. Thanks to their ability to make and use tools, Dark Goblins, unlike other species, can be found living in a variety of different regions, from lowland valleys to rugged mountain tops, to deep, dreary swamps. This often causes problems with their less intelligent brethren but also explains why the Darks are one of the few goblins who will actively hunt, kill, and eat other goblins. They tend to travel in packs and are rarely, if at all, seen during the day. Their skin is a pale purple or blue and is often marked with tattoos, paint, or scars. The horns found on these goblins are actually tusks formed from the inversion of the goblin’s rear molars. The tusks are a sign a virility in male goblins and it is believed that they cause great pain, making goblins with larger tusks more aggressive and therefore more attractive to females. The bony protrusion on the chin is used by the goblins to unearth grubs and other small creatures when larger game is scarce. They have fantastic night vision and a canine-like sense of smell. Their large ears belie their poor hearing - a result of their tusks growing up through the skull, squeezing off the auditory canal. If encountering a Dark Goblin at night, it is best to stay hidden and silent, and of course, downwind. When full grown, these goblins reach heights between 3-4.5 feet. They typically avoid humans if given the choice, but often poach livestock from farms.

Grave Goblins (Gobelinus Sepulcurnus)

Like a great many goblins, Grave Goblins are harmless unless provoked. Their tendency to congregate amongst the graves of the dead has given these goblins a rather distasteful reputation. Responsible for most of the stories of graveyard hauntings and other abominable creatures, Grave Goblin's hideously grotesque appearance is mostly skin deep. They live off of small animals and the occasional freshly buried corpse, but they mean mankind no harm. They have thick, leathery, green skin and an outgrowth from their forehead that resembles a small, stone grave. This allows Grave Goblins to hide from the prying eyes of humans who've come to visit their deceased loved ones. Their once five fingered hands have fused into three sharp claws used for digging. Their feet also consist of three clawed toes. They have enormous eyes that allow the goblins to see well during the darkest nights, meaning that these creatures are almost completely nocturnal, only coming out during the dreariest of days to protect their sensitive eyes. These goblins never reach heights over 3.5 feet.

Grave Goblin Anchor
Light Goblin
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Light Goblins (Gobelinus Candidus)

Rarest of all Goblins, the Light Goblin is unusual compared to other goblin races. Choosing to dwell in the light, rather than in dark, dreary places, has made this Goblin easy prey for goblin hunters, if they know where to look. The Light Goblin is highly reclusive, preferring to make its home far away from humans and other goblins. Averse to death and violence, they are often confused and agitated when confronted with the brutality of nature that surrounds them, none more so than human brutality. They are naturally curious; this may be one of the reasons that there are so few of them left. Light Goblins were once thought to be only a myth, a contrived yang to the goblin yin. However, because of their rarity, goblin collectors will pay handsomely for one, resulting in several being captured over the centuries and, subsequently, the question of their existence put to rest. They are peculiar looking as goblins go. Described as beautiful, even ethereal to those who have seen them, their appearance would seem to contravene the disturbing origins of goblins. Yet, investigation into their physiology has determined they are, in fact, goblins. Rumor has it that these goblins can reach heights of 6 ft tall, are fantastic runners, and are vegetarians. 

Cellar Goblins (Gobelinus Venarius)

As the name implies, Cellar Goblins lurk in unsuspecting human's cellars. They enjoy dark, moist places and if a cellar isn't available, they will make due with whatever hideaway they can find. Rarely over twelve inches tall, these maniacal little beasties are fond of gathering human nicknacks and small valuables and storing them in their subterranean dens. Cellar Goblin's ears have evolved into long tentacle like appendages that are highly sensitive to vibration. It is thought that they use these to better listen to the goings on above them while living with humans. These tentacles, along with the center tentacle and a propensity to steal things has probably given rise to the popular image of goblins as thieves, often wearing peculiarly long, pointed hats. While Cellar Goblins are vicious, it is unusual for them to attack their human hosts, though it does occur. They are carnivorous and generally help to keep houses free of mice, moles, and other small creatures; this sometimes, unfortunately, can also include beloved pets of the owners. 

Cellar Goblin
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